Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Start to Begin

If you never get started, then you cannot begin.

So, get started.

But how to get started?

That's a good question. Perhaps even just asking that question is getting you on the path to beginning...

But really, the best way is just to take a small action. Don't do something don'table. Do something doable. 

Then, you have begun.

Momentum is created. This is the best chance to take further action. The next step will be helped along by the last one.

However, if you don't take another step, the momentum will wind down. Like a pool ball on the green velvet, there is friction that will slowly bring that ball to a stop.

So keep the ball rolling! And it will be easier and easier to go farther and faster with each nudge.

Do a little something positive. That will lead to another something positive. And then you're not just kicking a pool ball down the road but a snowball!

And then look out - it might just roll down the hill and you might not have to do a thing to have the most wild success you could ever imagine. And you could just say, "All I did was start and it began."

And every day it begins again...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Step One

You are alive.

You are awake.

You are aware.

You ARE.

Okay, that's step one. Let me know when you get to step one. Then we'll get to step two...

To really know this is a lot. It's pretty huge. To really feeeeel into our bodies, our environment, our existence. That's no small task. It's much easier to shrink away.

And so that would be step one for anyone - to become fully present to their life. To become aware of the world that is out beyond the thinking mind and the "me" ego self. To connect with something larger - something infinite. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond context.


Then we can start talking about how to manifest that being in this world. It's no use talking about what to do if you don't know how to be. Nonetheless, the doing of this being is the ultimate goal. You're not really supposed to just sit around on your but meditating all day. Nor are you supposed to be running around all over the place having never grounded yourself in reality and the true nature of your being... There's a balance that must be struck. And in the warp and woof of daily life - real life - our task is to carve out these tiny moments of awareness and create for ourselves a new spaciousness, a new timelessness. Then we can act from there and make things better on the planet. But from my perspective you can start anywhere. You can start acting and then find that you need more beingness. Or you can start being and realize you need to start acting. Either way, you sure do gotta move!